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Team Members

Nicholas Christenson

Nicholas Christenson

Founder, CEO

I have a passion for helping people become their best selves. I believe that starts with creating a strong body and mind that helps you realize you can dominate life!

Kaylie Gable

Kaylie Gable

Personal Training coach

Certified Personal trainer and nutrition coach who has a passion for helping people achieve their dreams

Francisco Padilla

Francisco Padilla

Head Dietitian

Performance Registered Dietitian that has worked with a variety of populations ranging from the average gym goer to Pro Athletes.

Amy Christenson

Amy Christenson

Health & Mindset Coach

Break cycles of frustration & stagnation
Stop swirling & end the pull of unhealthy patterns
Reveal the undercurrents of limiting core beliefs
Shift your thinking & achieve the goals you set
Get the body, the feeling, the confidence & the results you want

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